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Friday, June 23, 2017


JAYRSWARDROBE.COM is starting a new series called "Breaking the Mold a Garment at a Time". I chose to do this because although the plus male revolution has begun, the plus male community still faces many challenges.  We still have to deal with underrepresentation in the media and often times cyber bullying by those who do not understand the body positivity movement, or what is like to be in our shoes, and would rather criticize than take the time out to understand the struggles we as a community face. But in doing this mini series on JAYRSWARDROBE.COM, I hope to provide tips and advice from people in the industry. As well as provide just a little more motivation  towards the demand for change in the fashion industry, and in image equality. 

I had the amazing opportunity to talk with my internet friend Ady Del Valle. The first to be featured in the "Breaking the Mold One Garment at a Time" Series.

Ady is a plus male model on the rise who is making his mark on the fashion world in a big way one garment at a time. Not only is he a model, but he is a social media influencer,  and an activist for body positivity.

I wanted to talk with Ady to get his take on the current state of the plus sized community and what he feels may need to be done to push the body positivity movement forward. As well as get some tips on how a plus sized male can improve his sense of style and image.

Here is our sit down...

Hey Ady, thank you so much for taking time to sit down with JAYRSWARDROBE.COM. I really appreciate your input in this series. 
So, I want to know, although plus size men have recently begun revolutionizing the fashion industry, and the body positivity movement is gaining recognition, what do you still feel needs improvement, and why?

ADY: Thanks for having me. I feel there still needs to be more inclusion in accepting and embracing men of all sizes. To give the not only average plus size male opportunities, but also the male that's a bit bigger, and a more realistic size. This will allow everyone to see and have hope that they can wear stylish clothing, or be able to receive opportunities the size they are.

 You recently participated in two shows during Full Figured Fashion Week for the brands "MVP" and "Brandon Kyle Collection". What was the significance for you of participating in these shows, and what would you say was a highlight of the experience?

ADY: Participating in these shows was beyond amazing to me, the fact the the designers and the the team that runs the show welcomed someone of my size to walk in the show was a major accomplishment for me. FFFWEEK for any person to be able to participate is a big deal. To be able to wear these amazing clothes and show the world that any man of any size can rock it is amazing. The team that runs the show and the designers were all so great, embracing, and accepting.

My highlight was being able to meet and work with the people that inspire me everyday and that I was able to get to know them outside of social media. One more highlight would be to be able to wear a jumpsuit/romper for the first time, and be able to show that anyone any size can wear one.

(Models for "Brandon Kyle Collection" and "MVP"  from left to right: Kavah King @gentlemenscurb,  Darryl Daniels @darryl_laflirt, Reginald Sherard @reginaldsherard, Darnel Ghramm @dghramm, Rob Robinson @builtuprealnice,  & Ady Del Valle @iam_adydelv)

 So its very clear that you have a great sense of personal style. What tips would you give the average plus size male who is looking to develop "sense of style"?

 ADY:My advice I would give to the average plus size male is to have confidence, its easier said than done, but just a little bit of it will help you feel better in your clothes and in your skin.
Style wise, invest in a tailor! I get a lot or messages about my clothes especially my pants. I tailor my own pants to give them that modern fit they have in my photos, they don't make modern fitted pants for us plus men, so you have to improvise and invest in your style. One more thing is to find what your aesthetic is, and invest in pieces that are signature to your personal look and style.

What would you consider a major key when it comes to buying clothes as a man of size?

ADY: A major key, take your time in finding clothes that cater to your personal style, your fit and budget. You do not need to spend on designer brands to look cool, or feel confident. Splurge on pieces you will use often and add inexpensive pieces on the side to wear with that piece. Don't be afraid to mix and match and play with looks, Fashion and style is about expressing yourself  and not always following the rules just have fun with it.

What are some challenges that you have faced or are facing that you would consider important in your journey as both a plus male model and social media influencer.

ADY: Challenges I have faced and still face is being one of the biggest in size plus model/influencer out here. I have to work 10x harder to prove myself, that I don't have to be average size to do what my smaller counterparts do, or wear. I can model, I can wear a certain look, and make it wearable for any one of size. I still do this but without losing touch to who I am and my goals.
Another challenge can be cyberbullies who comment or message me regarding my body or my size, I use to feed into it, but I've learned that I cant be miserable or unhappy like them and let them take me to that dark place I worked so hard to get out of. The positive always outweighs the negative.

What is next for you. Do you see any major things happening that involve your influence on plus male fashion? If so what are they?

ADY:Whats next for me, well I want to get more involved in events, I want to collab more, maybe do more shows. I want to get myself out there as much as possible so someone like me that didn't have a person like me to look up to, has someone to aspire to and look up to. I want to represent the plus male, and the whole body positive community as best I can.

 Thanks again Ady I truly appreciate you taking time out to sit down with JAYRSWARDROBE.COM. I wish you all the best on your future endeavors .

ADY:Thank you for having me be part of your series, I appreciate it.

I would like to thank  Ady Del Valle once again for participating in this series. I am excited for what is to come for him as a plus male model and a social media influencer. Keep up the great work Ady!!! 

Be sure to follow him on Instagram @iam_adydelv

Also comment down below. Share your thoughts and let me know what you think of the series. I would love to hear them. 

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